Saturday, September 14, 2019

Î'αθμολογήστε το άρθρο

Καθώς πλησιάζει η Developer Android Q έκδοση, η HTC ανακάλυψε ότι θα ήταν καλή ιδέα να αποκαλύψει τα σχέδιά της σχετικά με την ενημέρωση σε Android 9 Pie για τις πρόσφατες ναυαρχίδες της. Î'έβαια, η εταιρεία που κάποτε ήταν μέσα στους πέντε κορυφαίους πωλητές smartphone στον κόσμο, αντιμετωπίζει πολλές δυσκολίες, βλέπονÏ� �ας τα έσοδα της να συρρικνώνονται όλο και περισσότερο.

Μετά από ένα ακόμα φιάσκο με την πρόσφατη παρουσίαση ενός Cryptophone και έξυπνους κόμβους με δυνατότητα 5G, η εταιρεία φέρνει τελικά κάποια καλά νέα για τους χρήστες που  Î­Ï‡Î¿Ï…ν απομείνει στην εταιρεία από την Ταϊβάν. Μέσω του επίσημου λογαριασμού του στο Twitter, ο κατασκευαστής αποκάλυψε ορισμένες πληροφορίες της τρέχουσας κατάστασης για το ποτέ θα δοθεί το Android 9 Pie, όμως αυτές οι πληροφορίες είναι αρκετά ασαφείς, ενώ θεωρείται ότι ήρθαν αρκετά αργά για όσους έχουν ξοδέψει τόσα χρήματα για να αποκτήσουν τις πρόσφατες ναυαρχίδες τους, ειδικά τα HTC U12+ και HTC U11+.

Î"ιαβάστε επίσης:  HTC: θα επικεντρωθεί σε ναυαρχίδες και mid-rangers το 2019

Οι χρήστες των παραπάνω συσκευών και του  HTC U11 θα χρειαστεί να περιμένουν ακόμα μερικούς μήνες, καθώς η πολυπόθητη έκδοση Android 9 Pie, θα έρθει, «αρχής γενομένης από το 2ο τρίμηνο του 2019». Σύμφωνα με την HTC, εξακολουθούν να «εργάζονται ώστε να εξασφαλίσουν ότι η ενημέρωση θα είναι συμβατή με τα τηλέφω νά τους». Εν πάση περιπτώσει, καθώς το Q2 ξεκινά τον επόμενο μήνα και τελειώνει τον Ιούνιο, η ενημέρωση θα φτάσει πρώτα μόνο σε ένα ή δύο από τα προαναφερθέντα smartphones.

Το χρονοδιάγραμμα ενημέρωσης δεν είναι και ότι καλύτερο, για μια ναυαρχίδα που κυκλοφόρησε λίγο μετά το Xperia XZ2 και το Samsung Galaxy S9, τα οποία ενημερώθηκαν σε Android 9 Pie πριν από μερικούς μήνες. Περιέργως, η μόνη συσκευή της HTC που έχει ενημερωθεί σε Android 9 μέχρι στιγμής είναι το U11 Life και αυτό οφείλεται στο Î³ÎµÎ³Î¿Î½ÏŒÏ ‚ ότι είναι μέρος του προγράμματος Android One. Ενώ οι χρήστες του U11 ενδέχεται να θεωρούν ότι η αναμονή αυτή είναι αποδεκτή, δεν υπάρχει καμία δικαιολογία για τις πιο πρόσφατες συσκευές.

Î"υστυχώς, δεν βλέπουμε να υπάρχει κάποιο σημάδι επιστροφής της HTC, αλλά ελπίζουμε ότι η εταιρεία θα κατορθώσει τουλάχιστον να τιμήσει τους λιγοστούς πελάτες της, παρέχοντας έγκαιρα ενημερώσεις για τα smartphones της.


×"יצרנית ×"טיוואנית HTC אומנם ×"אט×" מאו×" את קצ×' פיתוח ×"מוצרים ×'עק×'ות מע×'ר חלק ×'×"ול ממ×"× ×"סי×" ל×'ו×'ל ופרישתם של אנשי מפתח מ×"× ×"לת×" ×"×'כיר×", אך ×"צוות שנותר מאחור מתעקש ×›×™ ×"×—×'ר×" ×¢×"יין לא סיימ×" את תפקי×"×" ×'שוק ×"טלפונים ×"חכמים וכעת יש ×'ם ×"כרזות ×—×"שות.

תחיל×" מו×"×™×¢×" ×"×—×'ר×" ×›×™ שלוש×" מ×"×'מי×" ×"קיימים יזכו, ×'ם אם ×'איחור ניכר לעומת רו×' ×"מכשירים ×'שוק, לע×"כון למערכת ×"×"פעל×" אנ×"רואי×" 9 (Pie). ×"×'ם ×"-HTC U11 ×™×–×›×" לע×"כון ×–×" ×'סוף ×"חו×"ש ×"נוכחי, ×"-U12 Plus ×'תחילת ×"חו×"ש ×"×'א, ואילו ×"-U11 Plus יתע×"כן ל-Pie ×¢×" סוף חו×"ש יוני. ל-HTC אין כל ×'שור×" ללקוחותי×" ×"מחזיקים ×"×'מים אחרים מתוצרת×", ואלו ככל ×"נרא×" לא יזכו עו×" לאף ×¢×"כון רשמי מע×'ר לע×"כוני א×'טח×" × ×"רשים.

×'נוסף, מתכוננת ×"×—×'ר×" ל×"כריז על טלפון ×—×"ש ×'שם Exodus 1s, שי×"×™×" ×'רס×" מוזלת ל-Exodus 1. כמו ×"×"×'ם ×"מקורי, ×'ם ×"פעם מ×"ו×'ר ×'מכשיר ×"מיוע×" ×'עיקר לחו×'×'×™ ×"×'יטקוין ויתר ×"מט×'עות ×"ווירטואליים, עם יכולות יוצאות ×"ופן למסחר ×'מט×'עות אלו, אחסון ×"ארנק ×"×"×™×'יטלי ואפילו יכולת לתפק×" כצומת (Node) ×'יטקוין מלא. ×'עו×" שמחירו של ×"-Exodus 1 עמ×" על 699 ×"ולרים, ×"-1s יתומחר ×'ין 250 ל-300 ×"ולרים, מ×" שכמו×'ן ×™×"פוך אותו לנ×'יש ×"ר×'×" יותר, אם ×›×™ ×¢×"יין קש×" לראות ×'ו יותר מאשר מכשיר ניש×" שלא יעניין את מיר×' ×"צרכנים.

HTC unveiled its high-end consumer virtual reality headset, the HTC Vive Cosmos, today. It ships on October 3 for $700, and I had a good hands-on demo with the system, for which preorders are opening today. And I talked with a couple of HTC executives after my demo, and I quizzed them about how the company designed the headset.

The HTC Vive Cosmos represents the high end of the consumer virtual reality market. It is an engineering marvel, but it still has to balance a number of difficult tradeoffs, such as cost, visual quality, accessibility, and mobility. HTC has done what it can to attack each one of these design vectors.

I interviewed Dan O'Brien, the general manager of the Americas at HTC Vive; and Drew Bamford, the corporate vice president at HTC Creative Labs. They walked me through the genesis of the HTC Vive Cosmos, which formally replaces the original $800 HTC Vive that debuted for the consumer VR market in 2016.

The new VR headset is like a new generation of the high end, where you are connecting a VR headset via wires to a PC. Here's an edited transcript of our interview.

Above: HTC Vive's Drew Bamford (left) and Dan O'Brien.

Image Credit: Dean Takahashi

GamesBeat: Are the controllers different?

Dan O'Brien: The main difference here is that the controllers are tracked by the headset. They use inside-out tracking, using the six cameras. With all those cameras, we get a very wide FOV, 310 degrees. That allows us to track the controllers in most normal positions you'd move them to. If you do go outside of that FOV, we use the gyro to fill it in.

GamesBeat: Are there a lot of sensors here?

O'Brien: It's LEDs eliminating that pattern. Then what happens is the cameras use computer vision to match the pattern and track it.

GamesBeat: Are the triggers and buttons all the same?

O'Brien: No. We've added quite a few controls to this. We think the industry is converging on a de facto standard. We added the X, Y, A, and B buttons. Then we went from the trackpad for your thumb to the joystick. We had a lot of requests for that, particularly from gamers.

Drew Bamford: Most gamers are used to a joystick.

O'Brien: They want that analog feedback from a joystick.

Bamford: It gives you a more natural feel. Someone who's been playing games for the last 15 years, you've always had a joystick in your hand.

O'Brien: There is a bit of mapping to do to go from the old controllers to this, but it's not too difficult.

GamesBeat: When is this available again?

O'Brien: It starts preorders on the October 12, and then full channel availability on October 3. It's priced at $699. The current Vive CE is $499.

GamesBeat: Will you keep the two different SKUs?

O'Brien: No, actually. The current Vive CE is going to be out of channel, likely, in the next few weeks. You won't be able to get that product anymore. That's coming to a long, storied end of life. I'm not sure how many products have made it that long in the CE space.

Above: Dean Takahashi models the HTC Vive Cosmos.

Image Credit: Paige Farrell

GamesBeat: You're pushing the higher end with more content packed into each new release, it seems.

O'Brien: Yeah. If I could break it down for you, it's really three key areas. This is a very consumer-focused product. It's going to replace the current CE product in the market. We looked at three areas that we could address for the next premium PC-powered product. We wanted to address it with our hardware technology and what we could do there, giving a simpler, easier product to set up and use; a better and easier software experience with the Vive Reality system, an experience of being able to move between worlds; and a third area around a robust content offering.

It will work with your entire Steam library. It will work with your Viveport library, as well as Viveport Infinity. With Infinity, in the preorder phase, if you buy in that phase, you'll get 12 months of Infinity, which is more than 700 titles. If you buy after that you get six months. It's still a very valuable content package.

On the technology side, for the hardware, we did a lot of things. We changed up not only the resolution and the fidelity going to an LCD screen that's full RGB—now it's three subpixels for every pixel. It's a clearer, higher visual experience. We also changed out the halo design for better weight distribution. You can flip it up to go from your virtual world to your real world very easily. That's customizable. The headset is still customizable even then. You can remove the audio.

On the front plate, it comes with six inside-out cameras out of the box, giving you that 310 degrees of coverage, which is the largest area of coverage for any inside-out tracked headset. But you'll be able to remove that and add other mods to it. The first mod will be available in Q1. That's the Vive Cosmos external tracking mod. You'll be able to put a Steam VR outside-in tracked plate on it, and it will work with your existing wands or your knuckle controllers. If you're into using the Vive Tracker for peripherals, you'll be able to use that as well.

It's a headset that was designed to work over time throughout the ownership. We've rebuilt how the headset would be used. It's an easy out of the box experience. We rebuilt the software experience and we have a strong software offering from a content perspective.

GamesBeat: Are there any new titles that you'll have ready for launch? Are people creating for the higher resolution already?

O'Brien: It will work with your existing library, more than 1,700 titles on Viveport and more than 3,000 on Steam, as well as more than 700 in Viveport Infinity. There's a robust content library, and a series of new content pieces are coming out with it.

Vive's been standing on that space of encouraging developers to launch their content everywhere. We think users are going to take advantage of all that content, as opposed to being limited to one space.

GamesBeat: What would motivate somebody to upgrade at this stage? Would they want to have more content created for this resolution?

O'Brien: I'd say the majority of the content—if you look at where the industry is going, between competitive headsets, where we've gone with Pro—it's not something a lot of people have to go and rework for, to get that resolution. We've made it pretty easy, from the existing OpenVR SDKs, to scale. We're not asking developers to rework.

Some of them will, that want to put script in, where you're reading objects in your virtual space. But this thing gives you—it's future-proofed. It gives you the ability to use it over time. The external tracking mod, you have the outside-in experience from the base unit. It's easy to use. You don't have to set up external tracking sensors. Then, if you want to use your external tracking sensors, you can do that.

GamesBeat: Does it get more accurate with more sensors?

O'Brien: Yeah. Lasers and outside-in tracking have proven to provide one of the highest forms of tracking accuracy. The inside-out tracking with six cameras has been highly accurate, but laser tracking—it's tough for cameras to overcome what a laser can do. We have a lot of experiences where users are still going to want that level of tracking, and we want to give them those options.

Bamford: Particularly professionals in certain areas. With our laser tracking accessory, you can track things even if you can't see them when you're in VR, which is helpful in a lot of professional training scenarios.

You can add a mod for external tracking to the HTC Vive Cosmos VR headset.

Above: You can add a mod for external tracking to the HTC Vive Cosmos VR headset.

Image Credit: HTC

GamesBeat: Is there a possible option to go wireless with this?

O'Brien: Yes, the product will support the wireless accessory as well. That will be made available right at launch. The same accessory that works for Pro will be able to work for Cosmos.

One reason to choose this headset over the original Vive, for example, or to upgrade from the original Vive, is if you have a scenario where you want to be able to move it to different locations. You don't have to pack up your base stations, pull them off the wall, and reassemble everything in another location. It just plugs into a PC, or even a high-powered laptop. You can use it relatively easy as a mobile solution.

GamesBeat: Is setting up a new space easier, then?

O'Brien: It's much easier. We didn't show you the actual room setup, but when you do that you can look through the front-facing cameras to see the room and just draw your boundaries. It takes about 30 seconds. It's very easy. That was one of the main design goals for this product, to really smooth out all of these transitions, from the out-of-box situation, to the setup, to putting the headset on, to going in and out of VR with the flip-up feature, and then finally going through the new user experience with Viveport Infinity content. We wanted that to be as smooth a journey as possible.

We're competing against all of these consumer products like tablets and phones and TVs that are so easy to engage with. We think that as an industry, VR needs to be competitive there as far as removing all the friction.

GamesBeat: Do you think this is the same kind of product that enterprise wants?

O'Brien: No, I think that we built this with intention for the consumer market. We think some enterprises—we make all of our hardware available to our enterprise and professional customers as well as consumers on the Pro series. We do that very intentionally because we don't want to upset people as far as what you can or cannot buy.

We do have enterprises and professional scenarios that have found, if they can do that experience—pop-up showrooms, pop-up LDEs, where they don't have to bring base stations, that's a high interest for them, to be able to do that. It just makes it easier for them to be portable and on-the-go.

Electronic Arts have revealed that it is about to initiate the first trials of its cloud gaming technology – which forms part of Project Atlas, the company's forthcoming cloud-based development engine.

Project Atlas is designed to both bring cloud-based game-streaming to consumers and to allow developers to build games directly to the cloud. EA revealed that the first test of Project Atlas's ability to stream games will take place on the PC, and will involve the games FIFA 19, Titanfall 2, Need for Speed Rivals and Unravel.

EA's Chief Technology Officer Ken Moss fleshed out the cloud gaming trial in a Medium post. He said: "I'm excited to share that we'll be taking an important step in this learning journey as we host an exclusive external trial for our players to experience games streamed through EA's cloud technology.

"As our games will continue to be the creative heart of EA, we are focused on testing and understanding their performance in cloud gaming. So our goal with this exclusive trial is to gather more inputs at scale to test performance and quality of service in a variety of network conditions and on multiple server routing scenarios. While this particular trial will be focused on cloud gaming on PC, we are also working to understand performance across multiple other devices. Most importantly, we are here to learn how to improve and enhance the cloud gaming experience for our players."

Moss touched on what EA aims to achieve from the test: "Now that the global cloud infrastructure is finally reaching ubiquity, EA is working on leveraging AWS and the public cloud so that we can deploy as close to the players as possible, even in the face of unstable networks and changes in bandwidth. This player test will help us to better understand how our games perform across real-life scenarios."

Plus he discussed the technology's cross-play potential: "As part of the trial, we're testing the technical functionality of cross play that will allow players to play the games they love with others no matter where, or on what device, they have chosen to play — a major step toward cloud gaming finally uniting platforms in play. It will also allow for players to be able to save their progression on one platform and have that reflect in another. In fact, during this trial, players in the cloud gaming trial can engage with the live PC environment on Origin. Players will also be able to test out their cross-progression when they login to PC after the conclusion of the trial. This is a very tangible connection between what is possible now and the future we aim to create."

If you're interested in signing up for the Project Atlas trial, head to this webpage. [[]] And for more general Electronic Arts news, keep an eye on the publisher's website. [[]]

Ibrahim Tanko's outfit are through to the continental showpiece following a slim away win on Tuesday 

Ghana are set to play at the Africa U23 Cup of Nations for the first time after beating Algeria 1-0 to qualify on Tuesday.

A 69th-minute Yaw Yeboah effort proved decisive in the final qualifying round second leg fixture at Stade 8 Mai 1945 in Setif, as it helped secure a 2-1 win on aggregate. The two teams settled for a 1-1 draw in the first leg in Accra on Friday.

The Black Meteors, who beat Togo and Gabon in the first and second qualifying rounds, respectively, join six other teams and hosts Egypt for the final tournament between November 8 and 22.

Editors' Picks

The top three teams at the African championship will represent the continent at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan.

Article continues below

Set to play at Afcon for a historic first time since its inception in 2011, the West Africans are also looking to secure tickets for the Olympics for the first time since their last appearance at the 2004 edition in Athens, Greece.

Tuesday's big moment came in the 69th minute when captain Yeboah drove his way past four defenders into the box and planted the ball to the left of goalkeeper Abdelmoumen Sifour and into the net.

It was certainly big relief for the Celta Vigo attacker who missed a penalty in the first leg  

  • El español Alejandro Pozuelo, del Toronto FC, intenta disparar frente a Keaton Parks, del New York City FC, en el encuentro del miércoles 11 de septiembre de 2019 (AP Foto/Frank Franklin II)

    El español Alejandro Pozuelo, del Toronto FC, intenta disparar frente a Keaton Parks, del New York City FC, en el encuentro del miércoles 11 de septiembre de 2019 (AP Foto/Frank Franklin II)

    Photo: Frank Franklin II, AP
  • Photo: Frank Franklin II, AP

    Image 1 of 1

    El español Alejandro Pozuelo, del Toronto FC, intenta disparar frente a Keaton Parks, del New York City FC, en el encuentro del miércoles 11 de septiembre de 2019 (AP Foto/Frank Franklin II)

    El español Alejandro Pozuelo, del Toronto FC, intenta disparar frente a Keaton Parks, del New York City FC, en el encuentro del miércoles 11 de septiembre de 2019 (AP Foto/Frank Franklin II)

    Photo: Frank Franklin II, AP

    Pozuelo anota y Toronto empata en casa de NYCFC

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    NUEVA YORK (AP) — Alejandro Pozuelo anotó a los 40 minutos para que Toronto FC consiguiera el miércoles un empate 1-1 en su visita al New York City FC, líder de la Conferencia del Este en la MLS.

    Los locales se colocaron en ventaja apenas a los seis minutos, con una anotación de Alexandru Mitrita, quien disparó desde unos 20 metros fuera del área. El español Pozuelo igualó de penal.

    El conjunto canadiense llegó a 42 puntos y desplazó por diferencia de goles al D.C. United, en el cuarto puesto de la Conferencia del Este. NYCFC suma 54 unidades y tiene tres de ventaja sobre el Union de Filadelfia, que marcha en el segundo puesto del Este.

    También el miércoles, Damir Kreilach marcó de cabeza a los 75 minutos para que Real Salt Lake superara 1-0 a los Earthquakes de San José. El conjunto de Utah es segundo del Oeste, con 46 unidades, mientras que San José ocupa el quinto sitio, con una unidad menos.

    En otro encuentro, el Dynamo de Houston derrotó 2-0 al Minnesota United, con tantos del colombiano Mauro Manotas y de Christian Ramírez. Además, los Rapids de Colorado superaron 2-1 al Galaxy de Los Ángeles.

    Une dépression tropicale et une tempête se sont abattues sur le nord-est de la Thaïlande, provoquant des inondations et des coulées de boue meurtrières.

    Le Monde avec AFP Publié aujourd'hui à 14h45, mis à jour à 14h57

    Temps de Lecture 1 min.

    Photographie aérienne de la province d'Ubon Ratchathani, inondée le 14 septembre.

    Photographie aérienne de la province d'Ubon Ratchathani, inondée le 14 septembre. KRIT PHROMSAKLA NA SAKOLNAKORN / AFP

    « Il faudra trois semaines pour évacuer toute cette eau », a déclaré Sarit Witoon, gouverneur de l'Ubon Ratchathani, la province la plus touchée. Les précipitations torrentielles qui se sont abattues sur le nord-est de la Thaïlande au cours des deux dernières semaines ont fait au moins 32 morts, a annoncé le ministère chargé de la gestion des catastrophes, samedi 14 septembre.

    Deux événements météorologiques sont à l'origine de ces inondations : la tempête Podul et une dépression tropicale qui s'est formée au-dessus de la mer de Chine méridionale, appelée Kajiki. Les pluies diluviennes ont provoqué des inondations et des coulées de boue. Les habitants ont été contraints de fuir leurs habitations à bord de bateaux ou de radeaux de fortune. Les médias de cette province si durement touchée ont notamment montré des gens qui pataugeaient avec de l'eau jusqu'au niveau de la poitrine.

    Lire aussi Décès, famines, pénuries d'eau, migrations : tous les secteurs touchés par le changement climatique

    Le gouverneur de la province, M. Witoon, a critiqué la lenteur du gouvernement dans la gestion de cette crise. Sur Twitter, un usager a comparé la lenteur des autorités avec l'efficacité dont elles avaient fait preuve l'an dernier pour sauver douze adolescents et leur entraîneur de football bloqués dans une grotte inondée. Samedi, le premier ministre, Prayut Chan-O-cha, a informé sur Twitter qu'il avait demandé aux agences d'« accélérer l'aide » aux populations touchées.

    Στο  εδώλιο του Αυτοφώρου  Τριμελούς Πλημμελειοδικείου της Αθήνας για το αδίκημα της έκθεσης ανηλίκου παραπέμφθηκε η 19χρονη μητέρα, η οποία εγκατέλειψε το βρέφος της στην είσοδο πολυκατοικίας, μέσα σε ένα καρότσι σουπερμάρκετ.

    Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, η 19χρονη αναμένεται να ζητήσει την αναβολή της δίκης της, ενώ έχει ζητηθεί η εξέτασή της από ψυχίατρο, προκειμένου να διαπιστωθεί η ψυχολογική της κατάσταση.

    En Francia las autoridades han lanzado en este inicio de temporada un combate contra la homofobia en los estadios, denunciando cánticos y banderas discriminatorias. ¿Cómo se lucha en las otras grandes ligas europeas contra este problema?

    El gobierno francés reclama este año más severidad en la lucha contra la homofobia. En su aplicación concreta, varios partidos han sido interrumpidos por el árbitro tras cánticos y banderas juzgadas como homófobas.

    Pero el presidente de la Federación Francesa Noël Le Graët ha señalado en los últimos días que no es partidario de parar los encuentros, lo que le ha provocado un desencuentro con el gobierno.

    En España, tercer país del mundo en haber autorizado el matrimonio entre homosexuales en 2005, la apertura hacia el colectivo LGBT (lesbianas, gais, bisexuales y transgénero) sigue siendo un tabú en el fútbol profesional.

    La tolerancia parece acabar en las puertas de los estadios. En las gradas los insultos homófobos son habituales para desacreditar al adversario. Varios jugadores han vivido estas situaciones de manera muy habitual, como los excentrocampistas españoles Míchel, Guti y Pep Guardiola, o el portugués Cristiano Ronaldo.

    Desde 2016, la liga española edita una guía de "buenas prácticas" en la que defiende la "tolerancia cero" contra todo tipo de discriminaciones.

    La Liga transmite también, cada semana, un informe a la Comisión de Disciplina de la Federación Española y a la Comisión Antiviolencia (órgano dependiente de la Secretaria de Estado para el Deporte), que incluye los insultos proferidos por los hinchas en los estadios y sugiere sanciones. Se trata en realidad de recomendaciones.

    Iniciativas recientes contra la homofobia han tenido cierto éxito en España. En 2015, jugadores de varios equipos lucieron cordones con los colores del arco iris, símbolo de la causa LGBT. El Eibar y el Rayo Vallecano han sido dos de los equipos que han participado especialmente en este tipo de campañas con los colores arco iris.

    En Inglaterra, la homofobia no es percibida como un problema en los estadios, al contrario que el racismo, contra el cual las autoridades se muestran dispuestas a actuar rápidamente.

    La cultura de los hinchas parece aquí diferente a la de Francia, ya que las estructuras de ultras no existen en el fútbol británico, con pocos cánticos o pancartas preparadas de antemano.

    El fútbol británico, eso sí, tiene también ejemplos sobrados de discriminación.

    Un estudio realizado en 2018 por la asociación Kick It Out mostraba que las discriminaciones de todo tipo iban en aumento, especialmente los casos asimilables a los de la homofobia (+9% entre 2016-2017 y 2017-2018), para un total de 111 incidentes de carácter homófobo en 2017-2018.

    La homofobia en los estadios de Alemania no es un asunto que genere una gran polémica. En ese país son las manifestaciones públicas de extrema derecha, o directamente neonazis, las que generan más reacciones.

    La sociedad alemana está por lo general avanzada en la aceptación de la homosexualidad y ello se refleja en los estadios.

    El exinternacional Thomas Hitzlsperger, que reveló su homosexualidad tras su retirada y que trabaja como comentarista para la televisión pública, decía lo siguiente a principios de año: "Los hinchas de fútbol son mucho más abiertos (que en el pasado). Se han hecho muchos progresos en el deporte profesional contra las discriminaciones, los prejuicios y la tolerancia. La homosexualidad ya no es un tabú como podía serlo hace cinco años".

    Sin embargo, ningún futbolista profesional en activo ha revelado su homosexualidad por ahora.

    La cuestión de la homofobia está poco presente, al menos en las gradas.

    Se han dado algunos casos fuera de los terrenos de juego, especialmente uno con el entrenador Maurizio Sarri, que fue suspendido dos partidos de la Copa de Italia tras llamar "maricón" a Roberto Mancini, entonces entrenador del Inter.

    "Me salió así, también podría haberle llamado demócrata-cristiano", declaró luego Sarri, que ahora es entrenador de la Juventus.

    En 2012, el exinternacional Antonio Cassano tuvo que disculparse por unas polémicas declaraciones.

    "¿Homosexuales en la selección? Espero que no los haya, pero es su problema", había dicho.

    Italia sí mantiene una dura pelea contra el racismo, omnipresente en los estadios, como le ocurrió recientemente al delantero del Inter Romelu Lukaku en Cagliari, incluida la reacción surrealista de los ultras de su propio equipo, que explicaron que los gritos racistas tenían como fin desestabilizar al rival, pero que en el fondo no eran discriminatorios.

    CNCO perform at Temple House in Miami on Sept. 12, 2019.

    CNCO fans in Miami are very happy after seeing their idols perform at Temple House on Thursday as part of Billboard En Vivo (presented by Pepsi). The event also featured Yashua, as a special guest, and DJ Mr. Pauer.

    The Billboard En Vivo concert series with CNCO began in New York in August, continued in Los Angeles and ended in Miami, giving fans an intimate experience with their idols.

    The show in la ciudad del sol was special. Not only because it was the finale, but also because it was held in the host city of Latin music, giving Yashua a powerful reason to debut his first EP, 777, performing all the songs live.

    The 20-year-old put on a good show and his dance steps are definitely exceptional. His repertoire included songs such as "Pena" and "Dime Tu" and he surprised the audience by inviting his friend Luis Figueroa to perform "Pa Las Babies."

    But CNCO fans were waiting for the headliners.

    Christopher, Erick, Joel, Richard and Zabdiel arrived at 9:30 p.m. with "Hey DJ" to make way for "Pretend," "De Cero" and the rest of their hits. CNCO made clear that the band has evolved since they were named the winners of Univision's La Banda show in December 2016.

    During the last show, Billboard had the opportunity to chat with the boy band, who spoke about their experience and more.

    CNCO x BIllboard En Vivo, the experience

    "To have the opportunity to perform in all the cities (New York, Los Angeles and Miami) was a great experience. It has been very intimate with the fans. We had a lot of fun and good energy."

    The best of each city.   

    "We think that to see other artists like Guaynaa and Yashua also performing was awesome. But being able to perform our new music has been a good vibe."

    Yashua & CNCO having fun before the show

    If you did not know, Yashua is related to CNCO. He also participated in the reality show La Banda and he is Richard Camacho's brother.

    What's next?

    CNCO's EP Que Quienes Somos will be released on Oct. 11.