A travel tale: Life in Europe

TOI reader, Aishwarya Dharmadhikari shares her experiences of a Europe travel tour and brings the pictures alive.

We humans are people who work hard round the clock and sparsely have time out of our busy schedules to enjoy ourselves to our heart's content. We have our mundane and prosaic day to day concerns to be done.

We have such a humdrum existence. Life, for most people, is a mad rush from one place to another, from one activity to another, trying to gather as much as possible. In this process, people tend to forget, who they are and what they are. There is no time to ponder and wonder. They tend to forget the values of life. To break the monotony of life, don't you think we need some time off, slacken on our work and relax ourselves by indulging in some traveling, touring and journeying? Traveling is the time when we can relax, reflect and ponder. Most people, after a pleasant travel, return home with a fresh outlook, new zeal and a better determination. I am, by all odds, one of them. Traveling has also a great informative value. It widens the grasp of our knowledge of geography, different cultures and people. It widens our mental horizon, improves health, adds thrill and relaxation to life, dispels boredom and helps promoting national integration. Traveling is an art of leisure.

Nothing, beats the scenic and picturesque beauty of the continent of Europe. It is a continent consisting of a multitude of countries, cultures and regional and ethnic communities. Europe is blessed with thousands of years of history and culture. It is also lucky enough to have a versatile range and diverse mix of cultures, settlements, traditions and customs. For many people it's the ultimate holiday destination and millions choose to stay in Europe each year. The continent leads the world in fashion, art, music, architecture and design. Not to mention that on an average Europeans live in the lap of luxury. It is a continent so rich in hist ory that one could spend his life reading all about it. It is simply impossible for one to tour Europe and not be awestruck. Hence, my family and I decided to visit this eccentric continent to have a taste of the European culture.


After the year's frigid winter, the warm spring of this place welcomed us warmly. Our first destination was Athens - not just the enchanting country capital of Greece but also one of the cultural capitals of the world. The very first thing I noticed upon my arrival here was the decoration of the chapels in and around the city with confetti and lights put up for Easter, which was coming up in the next couple of weeks. The tranquility of this place confirmed my first impression that I was in a harmonious and sensational city. Being the city which is worshiped by gods and people and being a birthplace for civilization, Athens is a city with the most glorious history in the world. Who hasn't heard of the Acropolis of Athens? Photos and history of this most famous archaeological monument in Europe have attracted tourists who come to see it from all over the world. We sailed around the Greek islands in a cruise, visiting many of the quaint little fishing villages. Each place we visited has a unique picturesque ambience of its own. We also explored the island's mountainous areas, sandy crescent shaped beaches, pretty rocky coves and unrivalled diverse landscapes. When the bright sun laid its golden rays on the pristine and turquoise waters of the Pacific, the scenery my eyes behold was singularly breathtaking. We had a scrumptious lunch of the famous Greek moussaka, feta cheese and Greek salad. Incredibly, a delectable cuisine!


After leaving Athens behind, we traveled to Paris. It is truly criminal to leave Europe without visiting this city. It is a land of great contrasts, offering an endless choice of alluring destinations, a rich diversity of landscapes, cuisines, climates and peoples, with an exceptional cultural heritage. France has an incredible diversity of soaring landscapes, gorgeous villages and world-famous resorts. Besides the country's style, culture, architecture, food, wine and fashion which exist in multiple layers of excellence, the language is one of the most beautiful things about France. It is a place where you come across both modern and cultural heritage. It's probably the only city that seems to be run by love. Elegant palaces and luxurious hotels, fashionable nightclubs and expensive apartments make the ideal world of the rich and powerful. The romantic aura of the streets wet with rain has always been inspiring artists and poets, giving the impulse to creativity and great stories. Glorious past, numerous historical landmarks, breatht aking views, delicious food and exquisite wines from all over France - the city is full of surprises! France is a fantastic place for water freaks. We swam in the warm waters of the Mediterranean and canal cruised. Getting away from the busy streets and tourist destinations, we plucked down at a table in a small sidewalk cafe in the heart of the city.

The immaculate city of Paris was prepossessing. Then came the part of the tour I was most ecstatic to make plans about - visiting the Eiffel Tower, the museum of Mussoue de louvre (the place where Mona Lisa's original painting made by the illustrious Leonardo da Vinchi has been preserved) and Notre Dame. The Louvre houses an exceptionally rich collection of works of art, gathered from all over the world. You can never be tired of strolling about in Paris but there's enough to make your head spin. As the old Russian expression goes - to see Paris and die, we were actually utterly awestruck b y its beauty, dead sure that there was no place like Paris anywhere on this planet. However, we had to move on to view the other countries of Europe as well.


Traveling in the bel paese i.e. beautiful country is one of those rare experiences in life that cannot be easily found. In few places art and life intermingle so effortlessly. Italy is one of these rare places. This may be the land of Dante, Michelangelo, da Vinci and Botticelli but it's also the home of Salvatore Ferragamo and Gualtiero Marchesi.

As if in homage to its people's love of fashion, Italy's outline - a 'boot' - makes it one of the most recognizable countries in the world. Then there's the food. Italy is quite literally a feast of endless courses, but no matter how much you gorge yourself, you'll always feel as though you haven't made it past the antipasti. Dreamlike beautiful landscapes with mountains, a rich cultural heritage, architectural masterpieces from the ant ique up to the present, living history in medieval cities and exceptionally luscious cuisine draws hordes of tourists from widespread parts of the globe.

It may no longer be caput mundi (capital of the world), but Rome, the capital of Italy, is an epic, beautiful and unique city which has pristinely preserved its Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque architecture. One visit and you'll be hooked, as I was. People in Rome encapsulate the spirit of the city. Italy is one of the world's best-loved destinations - two-thirds of the world's historical artistic heritage is found here in Italy. We explored the seductive beauty of charming villas, rolling hills, colorful vineyards and luxuriant gardens. We were fanaticized by the exquisite art, architecture, history and lush landscapes that have inspired poets, artists and writers for centuries.

From the look of it, you'd think the Vatican city spent all its time primping! Being the smallest state in the world, it is the center of the world's largest spiritual kingdom. It is the capital of a spiritual realm and a communal home for the Christians as it is the center of the Holy Apostolic Roman Church. No other capital can claim such a high amount of appreciation as the Vatican City. Since it was a Sunday morning, I was in my Sunday best to visit Saint Peter's basilica and visit the gargantuan church. The interiors were filled with intricate carvings and stunning portraits hung on the walls. It is the pace where Bramante, Raphael, Bernini, Michelangelo and other Renaissance artists had their workshops. It is the center of attraction for millions of tourists. However, it is an immense state of souls and not persons. No one is foreigner in this city. Everyone feels at home inside these walls and within the embrace of the colonnade. It is said to be the burial place of Saint Peter - one of the Apostles of the Redeemer.

All these places pack the punch of Europe. I was spell bound at the end of the tour. It created an enduring and everlasting impression on my heart. The flamboyance of the West was awe-inspiring.
