Row Eur boat! First-time canoeist and friend paddle almost 3,000 miles across Europe from France to Turkey

  • James Warner-Smith, 22, and Nathan Wilkins, 21, canoed for 21 weeks
  • They travelled through 10 European countries from France to Istanbul
  • The duo believe they are the first to travel across Europe entirely by water

By Alex Ward


Despite having never canoed before, an adventurous student travelled a gruelling 3,000 miles across Europe with a friend in a two-man boat.

Nathan Wilkins, 21, and friend James Warner-Smith, 22, completed their epic 21-week journey from Nantes in France to Istanbul in Turkey.

They believe they may be the first to ever cross Europe purely by water, travelling through ten countries in their £1,500 two-man canoe.

Conquering by canoe: Two students have travelled almost 3,000 miles across Europe in their two-man canoe, passing landmarks such as the parliament building on the River Danube in Budapest, Hungary

Conquering by canoe: Two students have travelled almost 3,000 miles across Europe in their t wo-man canoe, passing landmarks such as the parliament building on the River Danube in Budapest, Hungary

Mr Wilkins, a law graduate from Kent, said: 'We didn't do much training. I had never been in a canoe until two weeks before the trip and had never camped until our first night.

'It was such a long trip but a great experience. I really enjoyed it and I missed it straight away when we got back.

The University of Warwick graduates travelled a total of 2,954 miles in 146 gruelling days which included a run in with Bulgarian police and travelling across a military firing range.

Intrepid travellers: (Right to left) James Warner-Smith and Nathan Wilkins, who had never canoed before, believe they could be the first to ever cross Europe purely by water in their gruelling 21-week trip

Intrepid travellers: (Right to left) James Warner-Smith and Nathan Wilkins, who had never canoed before, believe they could be the first to ever cross Europe purely by water in their gruelling 21-week trip

Tough challenge: Mr Warner-Smith (pictured in front of a vineyard on the River Main in Germany) said there was no easy passage across Europe and had to take many detours and routes to reach their destination

Tough challenge: Mr Warner-Smith (pictured in front of a vineyard on the River Main in Germany) said there was no easy passage across Europe and had to take many detours and routes to reach their destination

Mr Wilkins said: 'It was challenging every day and my favourite part was that we did such a variety of things and met a lot of funny and helpful people who helped us with directions.

'We managed to stay friends throughout which surprised a lot of people.

'I loved the Danube River but my favourite country was France as the food was so good. I did not like Romania - the whole experience there just gave me a bad experience of the place.

'I start a job in London soon so I don't think we will be doing another trip unfortunately.'

Serene seas: The young men canoed through the Black Sea Canal in Romania at sunrise

Serene seas: The young men canoed through the Black S ea Canal in Romania at sunrise

Adventure of a lifetime: Mr Wilkins had hardly done any canoeing before their trip and had never camped before which saw them travelling through the Rhone-Rhine Canal in France (pictured)

Adventure of a lifetime: Mr Wilkins had hardly done any canoeing before their trip and had never camped before which saw them travelling through the Rhone-Rhine Canal in France (pictured)

In Bulgaria the pair accidentally walked across a naval firing range.

Mr Wilkins said: 'It is probably the funniest story of the trip but quite scary.

'We went out to test the water to see if it was too stormy to paddle. It was bad and dangerous so we stopped and pulled over to get out the boat.

'Unfortunately we got out and walked across a military firing range. We got into a lot of trouble for that and had to get a local to bail us out.'

Plenty of stories: The students accidentally walked across a military firing range in Bulgaria where police caught up with them (right Mr Wilkins pictured) and through many places where most travellers would not normally go such as entering a lock on the River Saone in France (left)

Tricky navigating: The students met many interesting people along the way who gave them directions when their trusty map failed them (pictured Mr Warner-Smith on the River Danube in Serbia)

Tricky navigating: The students met many interesting people along the way who gave them directions when their trusty map failed them (pictured Mr Warner-Smith on the River Danube in Serbia)

The young men travelled through France, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey.

Mr Warner-Smith, a philosophy graduate from Hertfordshire, said: 'I thought it would be an interesting challenge. It was incredibly tough but we loved it.

'Neither of us had much canoeing experience although I did a trip in Canada in 2010.

'With few connecting rivers there is no easy passage across Europe by canoe so it made it a real challenge. We had to go out of direction so many times to stay on the water. The route we undertook is a network of rivers and canals with hundreds of miles to battle upstream as well as challenging coastlines and industrial locks to overcome.

'I enjoyed it and would do it again. There are so many funny memories.'

The duo secured sponsorship from the Lord Rootes Memorial Fund at Warwick Univer sity to pay for their trip, which cost more than £6,000.

Would do it again: Despite the challenges, Mr Warner-Smith said he would do the epic trip again if he could

Would do it again: Despite the challenges, Mr Warner-Smith said he would do the epic trip again if he could

Best buddies: Mr Wilkins (left having some lunch in Hungary) said he missed the adventure as soon as he returned home to Kent and the pair (right en route) managed to stay friends throughout their adventure he said

Intrepid travel: The duo set up camp along the way during their 146-day trip such as this campsite on the Danube River in Serbia

Intrepid travel: The duo set up camp along the way during their 146-day trip such as this campsite on the Danube River in Serbia
