European Travel Tips Requested

Hello all! Slightly off-topic but I would like to solicit advice for my trip to Europe next June/July from you wonderful multi-national and worldly folks.

European Travel Tips Requested

Right now the tentative plan is to fly into London, so we can hopefully see tapings of shows that we like (Top Gear, Graham Norton, QI, etc. - yes, I'm in the ticket lottery), and maybe a play or musical or something. (Is there anything Doctor Who-related in London rather than Cardiff? Can people visit the Top Gear facility?) Also, it's cheaper to fly into London than Paris, it seems.

After a quick weekend in London, it's off through the chunnel to Paris! A few days in Paris to see the sights. Hoping to stop by the Musee d'Orsay and Versailles since I missed those on my last visit.

Then, we'll rent a car and drive out through Switzerland to northern Italy so the husband can bike Stelvio pass, and probably every other mountain pass possible. (Did I mention we're traveling with his Cannondale road bike?? He got a special case and everything.)

European Travel Tips Requested

Then down through northern Italy to the Mediterranean coast, including Monaco, Nice, Cannes, Marseille, etc.

European Travel Tips Requested

And then, up to l'Alpe d'Huez for the climactic road race of the trip: La Marmotte! This is really the only definite destination for the trip, with a fixed date. Everything else is flexible.

I think we need a rental car because of the husband's big bike case. (It's gigantic.) Which means driving in foreign countries, but I believe it's right-side driving on the continent, so I'm not too worried. Although I hear driving in Italy can be harrowing.

Is this too much for one two-ish-week trip? Am I too ambitious? Know any must-see attractions, hikes, etc., or anywhere nice to stay in any of these destinations? Any tips are appreciated!

(FYI: I did a 6-week study-abroad trip in 2005, so I have been to some of these destinations, but the hubs hasn't been to Europe at all. Also, we are traveling from the US.)
