Liberty Travel Offers Short Trips to Europe

July 20, 2015 By: Newswire

BarcelonaLiberty Travel wants to encourage short (less than a week) trips to popular European locations like Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dublin, London, Madrid, Paris and Rome. These three- to six-night trips aim to narrow the focus of a trip while broadening exploration.

Trip-goers will explore just one city during this time and will get to meet a local expert along the way. The itineraries will be customized to fit with what the guest wants to see and accomplish. The guest will fill out a profile before the trip with preferences on lifestyle, food and transportation that will in turn help Liberty plan a suitable itinerary.  

Upon arrival, guests will meet their local expert in the lobby of their hotel. The expert will point out important parts of the city and show the guests the best ways to travel around the city. This helps guests get around the city more efficiently.

Accommodations, hotel transfers, 24/7 assistance, keepsake documents and the local expert are all included.


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Source: Liberty Travel Offers Short Trips to Europe
