Gemma Dryburgh ready to take on Ladies European Tour

John Dryburgh admits it will be tough being parted from his daughter at months at a time – but accepts it's part of her dream of being a professional golfer.

Gemma Dryburgh , from Beaconsfield, turned pro last May after completing her degree in marketing at university in New Orleans, and just before Christmas qualified for the 2016 Ladies European Tour.

The 22 year old came seventh at the final qualifying school in Morocco with a score of 12 under par, meaning she will spend most of the next three months at tournaments in places as far flung as China, Australia, New Zealand and the Middle East.

Proud dad John said: "It will be tough, but it's part and parcel of what Gemma has set out to achieve. We've grown used to being parted as she spent four years in New Orleans – but we were just getting used to having her around again.

Making a point: Dryburgh at the Ladies European Tour qualifying school

"But it's exciting at the same time as it's what she's been working toward for 10 years. Hopefully we will have her home for a while in April, and we may even get to see her in some of the tournaments closer to home."

Gemma will at least have a familiar face on tour with her. Qualifying alongside her in joint fifth place was Annabel Dimmock , who has played alongside her for both Beaconsfield Golf Cub and the Bucks county side.

The pair have been close friends almost since the Dryburghs moved down from their native Aberdeen when Gemma was nine, attending St Mary's C of E School in Beaconsfield.

She may now be barely out of her teens, but Gemma has the right focus and drive to make it in the ruthless world of professional golf, her father believes.

Close friend: Annabel Dimmock

He said: "Professional golf is all about the money, and whether you can earn enough of it to make a living from it through sponsorship and winning tournaments.

"It's a world of little forgiveness, and you are only as good as your last tournament. Being the best one year means nothing unless you keep doing it the next year. But Gemma's not daft, she knows she's got to work hard.

"She has got the temperament and is very calm and grounded. When she gets a bogey she doesn't panic, she just comes back for another go, and that's what sets her apart from some of the other girls."

Gemma herself said after qualifying: "It feels really great. I feel like I've been doing tour schools all year so it's great to get a card out of it. I played really solid and made five birdies, so that was nice and calm, not too nerve-wracking."

Source: Gemma Dryburgh ready to take on Ladies European Tour
