Eddie Izzard to bring Stand up for Europe tour to Coventry

Eddie Izzard has launched a new campaign to visit 31 cities in 31 days as he looks to get young people to register for the EU Referendum.

And the comedian will head to Coventry as part of his mission, delivering a speech to city residents on Thursday, June 8, at the Warwick Arts Centre, situated in the University of Warwick campus.

Izzard will encourage local young people to stay in Europe ahead of the vote, which takes place on June 23.

The Q&A session will begin at 12.30pm, with Izzard set to talk about why it is in all our interests, no matter what your age, to Stand Up for Europe.

A recent poll by the National Union of Students (NUS) found 76 per cent of students want to Vote Remain, with just 14 per cent backing Brexit.

Despite the figures suggesting young people will be key to the result, other research has discovered 18 to 24-year-olds are almost HALF as likely to vote as over-65s.

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Izzard says: "We know the overwhelming majority of young people want to stay in Europe because of the opportunities it presents to work, to study and to travel.

"I share their positive view of Europe – I am a British European who has performed in German, French and Spanish.

"But if they are not registered, they can't vote and those opportunities will be taken away without them getting to have their say.

"It only takes two minutes to register on a smartphone and it must be done by June 7.

Story Link Staying in Europe 'is the only sensible course'

"I got chances from Europe that the generation before me never got – just imagine what benefits young people will get in the future.

"This could be the biggest decision of their lives and I want to help make sure they get their chance to have their say."

To book your place at the event, which is entirely free, click here.

Tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Source: Eddie Izzard to bring Stand up for Europe tour to Coventry
