European Parliament to vote against visa-free travel for Turks: media

European Parliament to vote against visa-free travel for Turks: media

July 22, 2016 - 13:25 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net - European lawmakers will vote in September against providing visa-free travel to Turkey in response to Ankara's crackdown following a failed coup, a source in the European Parliament told RIA Novosti on Friday, July 22, according to Sputnik.

Earlier the European Parliament foreign affairs committee held emergency talks over the failed coup in Turkey.

"There is a very high probability the European Parliament will vote against granting Turkey visa-free travel," the source said.

Turkey suspended the European Convention on Human Rights on Thursday after a 1.5-month state of emergency entered into force.

Turkish leaders, including President Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yildlirim, have floated the idea of re-introducing death penalty to punish suspected perpetrators of last week's aborted government overthrow.

Brussels and individual member states' leaders urged Turkey to adhere to the rule of law and human rights in clamping down on suspected traitors after the July 16 attempted insurrection.

Source: European Parliament to vote against visa-free travel for Turks: media
