Many in Europe not Trump fans




My wife and I work a lot of hours in our business and are fortunate to be able to travel. This past March, before the primaries finished, we spent a week in Scotland, followed by a week in Ireland.

In Europe, Americans stick out like a thumb hit by a hammer. Many European locals asked us the same question: "How can you stop Donald Trump?"

The average guy in Europe is afraid of him because of his inexperience, his suggestion of revocation of treaties, his support of nuclear proliferation. I was embarrassed to say that it was up to my fellow voters.

World leaders must be informed, intelligent, predictable, stable, and know our allies deeply. Donald Trump has already fractured our relationship with the U.K. Does he have any of the skills needed to be the leader of the free world?



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Email thief could be in for scolding

I was relieved to read that the FBI was investigating the recent hack of the DNC emails.

The July 26 article, "Democratic email leak stirs up controversies," quotes the FBI's announcement: "A compromise of this nature is something we take seriously."

It's nice to know that once the responsible party is found, Director James Comey will scold them for their poor behavior.


Bowling Green

Who runs nation if Hillary wins?

It was really hard to tell that Hillary was crowned Tuesday — both your paper and the Wall Street Journal had big pictures of Bill on the front page instead of Hillary.

Apparently, both publications think Hillary will be too submissive and Bill will really be running the country. Even though she wears pantsuits, Bill apparently still wears the real pants. 

Hillary has demonstrated her submissiveness to Bill by the tamping down of Bill's peccadilloes throughout their married life. If she is elected, apparently we will be governed by Bill and maybe crazy Bernie. God help us all.


Pemberton Drive

Source: Many in Europe not Trump fans
