European Union to ready sanctions over Congo vote delay, violence

By Robin Emmott

LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - The European Union will prepare economic sanctions on the Democratic Republic of Congo unless its ruling coalition, which has delayed next month's elections, holds a fresh vote early next year, diplomats say.

President Joseph Kabila was due to leave at the end of his mandate in December but authorities have postponed it until April 2018, citing logistical problems.

The vote delay sparked two days of protests in the capital Kinshasa last month that killed dozens of people.

"Elections must take place as early as possible, and no later than in 2017," said an EU diplomat involved in the talks. "Given the situation, we are prepared to consider sanctions and work is already under way," the diplomat said.

European Union foreign minister meeting in Luxembourg on Monday are expected to agree a statement in which they will make clear that travel bans and asset freezes are a genuine threat.

"The EU will use all the means at its disposal, including individual restrictive measures," said a draft statement seen by Reuters that would target "those responsible for serious human rights violations, those who promote violence."

Foreign ministers are expected to task EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini to draw up sanctions, which could be on senior police and other members of the security forces, potentially broadened to government officials at a later stage if there is no progress on an electoral agenda.

The European Union, a major donor of foreign aid as well as a big foreign investor and trade partner, is also seeking an independent inquiry into the violence last month and wants talks on a new timetable for presidential and parliamentary elections.   Continued...

Source: European Union to ready sanctions over Congo vote delay, violence
