N. P. Dodge and daughter’s 1881 European tour

Editor's Note: "The Dodge Connection" is an ongoing series of articles tracing the history of Gen. Grenville M. Dodge, one of Council Bluffs' most famous residents, as well as the varied connections of Dodge and the Dodge family members to the residents and businesses in the Omaha-Council Bluffs community.

N. P. Dodge visited Europe several times. In July of 1881 N. P., accompanied by his daughter, Caroline Dodge, toured Europe for two months. In June 1891 N. P. and his son, John Lockwood Dodge, visited Europe for several months. In 1905 Nathan P. and his daughter, Caroline, toured Europe for seven months. The following is taken from his recollections of the trip he wrote for the Nonpareil:

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Source: N. P. Dodge and daughter's 1881 European tour
