How safe is your 2017 summer holiday? Map reveals most DANGEROUS destinations in Europe

With idyllic destinations like Spain, France, Portugal, Italy and Greece, Europe offers up countless options for the perfect summer getaway. 

But recent terror activity that's swept the continent has left holidaymakers questioning which spots are safe.  

A recent study has revealed there was a big fall in bookings to resorts near troubled regions like the Mediterranean last year, with a surge in people taking holidays in south-east Asia and the Caribbean instead. 

But there are still many areas within Europe that are free from the threat of terror. has investigated the latest advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to discover where it's safe to holiday this summer.

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MAPPED: The safest and most dangerous holiday destinations for summer 2017 in Europe

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The FCO breaks the terror threat in European countries into four categories

Due to ongoing threats to France by Islamist terrorist groups the French government has warned the public to be especially vigilant



France has long been touted as a hot summer destination for Brits as it's just a short train ride away. 

But after a string of devastating terror attacks in 2015 and 2016, the country has been put on a high terror alert. 

The FCO warns: "Due to ongoing threats to France by Islamist terrorist groups, and recent French military intervention against Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL), the French government has warned the public to be especially vigilant and has reinforced its security measures."

Paris, Corsica, Rouen and Nice have all been targeted by terrorists. 

The French government has launched a free smartphone app called SAIP to alert users about possible incidents. 

Brits have been warned about holidaying in Turkey which has also been placed on a high threat of terror. 

The once popular summer destination has been marred by a series of explosions and attacks claimed by terrorists in 2016. 

Advice from the FCO says: "Further attacks are likely. Attacks could be indiscriminate and could affect places visited by foreigners.

"There is a heightened risk of terrorist attack against the aviation industry in Turkey. You should co-operate fully with security officials at airports."

Belgium, Germany and Russia have all been placed on a high terror threat by the FCO as well.

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Corsica in France is a popular choice for summer but the nation's terror threat is listed as HIGH Sun, August 7, 2016 Switzerland - The FCO has also listed the European country as having a low threat from terrorism. British nationals made 711,595 visits to Switzerland in 2014. Most visits were recorded as trouble-free.

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Switzerland - The FCO has also listed the European country as having a low threat from terrorism. British nationals made 711,595 visits to Switzerland in 2014. Most visits were recorded as trouble-free.


While sunny Spain is dealing with a general terror threat, the nation has been downgraded from a high threat of terror in 2016. 

A general terror threat suggests there is some level of known terrorist activity. 

This week a gunman opened fire in a supermarket while shouting "Allah Akbar" in Spain's northwest, and the FCO has advised of a number of police operations last year across the nation. 

It said: "Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. The Spanish authorities take measures to protect visitors, but you should be vigilant and follow the instructions of the local authorities."

Other popular summer spots undergoing a general terror threat are Greece and Italy. 

The FCO warns of several attacks on Greek shopping malls and institutions over the last few years. 

There have also been isolated cases of domestic terrorism in Italy. 

The FCO says: "Attacks carried out by the extreme left-wing and secessionist groups have generally been aimed at official Italian targets, mainly in the form of small bombs and incendiary devices."

Other popular summer holiday countries on a general terror threat include the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Austria.

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The Blue Lagoon in Malta would be an ideal summer holiday spot thanks to its LOW terror threatLOW TERROR THREAT

There is an underlying threat of terror in summer destinations like Monaco, Croatia and Portugal. 

An underlying threat means a low level of known terrorist activity according to the FCO. 

But there are some countries throughout Europe where the terror threat is considered low - meaning there is no or limited known terrorist activity. 

Head to Malta to soak up the summer sun with safety in mind. 

Though the threat of an attack is low, the FCO warns: "But you should be aware of the global risk of indiscriminate terrorist attacks, which could be in public places, including those frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers.

"There is considered to be a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests and British nationals, from groups or individuals motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria. You should be vigilant at this time."

Similarly, the Republic of San Marino in North Italy (a microstate) is deemed to have an equally low terror threat.

Lined with narrow cobblestone streets and oodles of historic architecture, it's not too dissimilar to the joys of Italy.

The same can be said for countries like Iceland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Switzerland. 

These nations are some of the safest choices to make for a summer holiday in Europe. 

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Source: How safe is your 2017 summer holiday? Map reveals most DANGEROUS destinations in Europe
