Europe Echoes Call for International Investigation into the Case of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche

From left-Kai Muller, Executive Director, International Campaign for Tibet, Nyima Lhamo, Dr. Barbel Kofler, German Human Rights Commissioner, Kalden Tsomo, DIIR,Julia Kirchner, Tibet Initiative Duetschland, Dawa Tsultrim, OOT Geneva.

From left-Kai Muller, Executive Director, International Campaign for Tibet, Nyima Lhamo, Dr Barbel Kofler, German Human Rights Commissioner, Kalden Tsomo, DIIR,Julia Kirchner, Tibet Initiative Duetschland, Dawa Tsultrim, OOT Geneva.

Europe: Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's niece Nyima Lhamo currently on an advocacy tour to Europe called for an international investigation into the circumstances that led to the death of her uncle in Chinese prison.

Tenzin Delek Rinpiche, a widely respected Tibetan Buddhist religious teacher, an environmentalist and a social reformer died of torture, ill health and under suspicious circumstances in a Chinese prison in Tibet on 12 July 2015 during his 13th year of detainment. He was serving a life sentence that had been handed down without a fair trial and on trumped-up charges.

During the two-week long advocacy tour to five European cities—Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden, Denmark and Spain, Nyima Lhamo met with foreign ministry officials, parliamentarians, international human rights organizations,media and Tibet support groups.

German Human Rights Commissioner Dr Barbel Kofler commended Nyima's courage, and stressed on the importance of having eyewitness accounts of human rights violations in Tibet. "It is an honour and a privilege to have listened to Nyima," said Dr Barbel.

Mr David Cervenka, the Director of Human Rights and Transition Policy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic assured Nyima Lhamo that he will engage with China on its human rights record including the deteriorating human rights situation in Tibet during the forthcoming 34th UN Human Rights Council session.

Mr Michael Aastrup Jensen, the Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, Danish Member of Parliament for the Liberal Party said "the fate of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche will not be forgotten," and that listening to Nyima Lhamo reminded him of the situation inside Tibet.

Referring to the current situation in Tibet, Nyima Lhamo said the harassment and torture that her family has been subjected to since the imprisonment of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche is an example of what Tibetans in Tibet, particularly the families of Tibetan political prisoners continue to face.

Acknowledging Europe's long-standing support for Tibet, Nyima Lhamo said the support is encouraging, and gives hope, courage and impetus for Tibetans to continue its peaceful and non-violent struggle against Chinese government's repressive policies.

The two-week Europe advocacy tour of Nyima Lhamo was jointly organised by the UN & Human Rights Desk, DIIR in coordination with offices of Tibet based in Geneva and London and with the support of Tibet groups and Tibetan communities.

-Report UN & Human Rights Desk, DIIR-

Mr Manel Vila Director General for Ministry of Foreign and Institutional Relations Affairs Government of Catalonia.

Tibet Group in the German Parliament led by MP Michael Brad.

Tibet Group in the German Parliament led by MP Michael Brad.

Ms.Trine Christensen, General Secretary of Amnesty International, Denmark.

Ms.Trine Christensen, General Secretary of Amnesty International, Denmark.

With Czech Senators Petr Bratsky (left), Martin Bursik and Katerina Bursikova

With Czech Senators Petr Bratsky (left), Martin Bursik and Katerina Bursikova

Source: Europe Echoes Call for International Investigation into the Case of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche
