European country where Aussies have a shocking reputation

SINCE joining the European Union in 2013, the already growing tourism industry in Croatia has boomed.

Welcoming approximately 16.5 million tourists in 2016, roughly four times the country's permanent population, it's safe to say that the charm of this Balkan nation has captured the attention of many.

Among the mass of tourists flocking in, mostly during peak season (June to September), are many young Australians — and unfortunately we've earned a shocking reputation.

Travelling to Croatia myself in July this year, I saw the impact that party-tourism was making first hand, and it didn't take long to realise that a large portion of those involved had the all-too-familiar Australian accent.

Running through the streets yelling, mistreating property and having for all intents and purposes "a good time", I couldn't help but cringe, and then feel kind of old …

Sure, we're pouring money into the country and playing our own part in continually promoting it as a great destination for young people, but we have to think a bit more critically about the impact we're having on this stunning country that offers so much more than cheap beer.

Croatian daily newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija actually reported on the issue with a front-page story in August, reiterating that Australians have a terrible reputation among hospitality workers and locals — particularly on the islands scattered along the Dalmatian coast of the Adriatic.

While travelling with minimal interest in culture and a key focus on getting drunk is an annoying sight to see, if it's pumping money into the economy, is it really damaging? Well, other than annoying locals and workers, party tourism is having another, much more concerning impact.

Hotels and restaurants that used to benefit from more family friendly, or slower tourism, have now lost many lifelong customers who no longer want to come and wade through the crowds of drunk revellers.

From the moment my dad and I arrived in Dubrovnik we knew the early mornings would be the best time to have a really good look at the city for what it is, and it was worth the sound of the alarm at 6am.

As the city where "King's Landing" in HBO series Game of Thrones is filmed, this remarkable, medieval old-city situated toward the south of Croatia is particularly frenzied during the summer months.

A taxi driver, who has lived there his whole life, told me that while they appreciate the money tourism brought to the city, there was nothing quite like the weeks just before winter started, where the old-city emptied out and one could "simply sit there and enjoy a coffee with no worries about the crowds".

When we arrived in Split, we met with our Airbnb host Sandra who told us that locals were being forced out of the city due to rising rent prices as a result of services like Airbnb, a story familiar to cities such as Barcelona and Amsterdam, who have stated they were being "loved to death".

She explained there weren't many hotels in Croatia, and there were even fewer hotels beds today than there were during the breakup of Yugoslavia — it really was all about the apartment rental.

"Not many people from Split can afford to live in the city anymore," Sandra said.

"But the owners of the apartments struggle to make the money they need in the winter months, so it's difficult overall."

After leaving Split, dad and I drove to Krka National Park, another must-see when visiting Croatia. Fully aware we were part of the problem (although perhaps helping the Australian reputation a little bit due to our sobriety) we were shocked at the crowds piling in.

A one-and-a-half-hour drive from Split, buses full of tourists piled in at an almost unendless pace. The queue for tickets was a one hour wait followed by an additional half an hour waiting for a bus to take you to where the park trail begins.

We decided to walk the whole way, which gave us at least a small patch of nature to enjoy without the flicking of cameras and smacking of backpacks.

Once we arrived at the main trail, the real madness began. Literally having to walk bumper-to-bumper until we reached the main waterfalls, it was basically impossible to see anything, and many people weren't even trying to look. The foreshore of the waterfall was filled with people smoking and drinking, and I would hate to see what the park looks like upon closing.

With no intention of being the fun police, it's evident that we need to dial it back a bit in Croatia.

With so much history and culture beckoning tourism forth, there's no reason for Australians to be quite so disrespectful when enjoying the crystal-clear water, breathtaking nature and remarkable architecture that this nation has to offer. Is a reputation for getting incredibly drunk and disregarding locals really one we want as Australians?

My advice? Hire a car, take it a bit slower, party within reason and take a few moments to appreciate the brilliance of this special little country.

Source: European country where Aussies have a shocking reputation
